I love you all and I'm sorry that I cant email you all individually. A Miracle has happened in the MTC We have been out of Internet and Phone service for the past 6 days and we didn't think that we would be able to write our family today but some nice man spent the last 14 hours hooking up laptops for us to use today. Unfortunately we only get 10min to email today so I was unable to read every ones emails, and I am not sure that I will get to email again while I am here in the MTC. We were suppose to leave on December 31 but because its New Years we will be leaving on the 2nd of January. I am so excited and nervous to go out into the field. But If you don't get an email from in for a couple of weeks rest assure that I am safe and that I am doing well, I just don't have internet access.
I love you all so much. And I am having a wonderful Christmas. I love Christmas. What a wonderful time of year to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I don't have a lot of time left but as my Christmas gift this year I want to share My Testimony with you.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I know that He is the Savior and Redeemer of the Word. I am so grateful for his Atoning Sacrifice. I cannot even imagine the pain he felt so that I can have eternal life. I know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us. and I know that he has a plan for each of us. Sometimes we may not always understand why we have to go through certain trials or live through certain experiences But Heavenly Father can see the big picture and he knows exactly what he is doing. I know that I am suppose to be on a mission. I know that Lord has called me to Brazil for a specific purpose. I am not sure what it yet but I know I am here for a reason. I know that my savior lives and that he is my very best friend.
I love you all Merry Christmas!!
Love Sister Roberts
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