Crazy experience number 1: My companion and I along with a bunch of elders are sitting in the bus terminal waiting for our bus and all of the sudden this short little man goes and tries to steal this Tall "woman's" luggage. And the the Tall "woman" starts throwing punches to the short little man and they get into this huge fist fight. All the Elders quickly get up and surround us (they are so nice trying to protect us and everything). We are sitting there watching this fight when we realize that the Tall "Woman" Is actually a strange. Finally security showed up and they were escorted out. But it was the craziest thing.
Crazy experience number 2: At 12:00am my companion Yells " Sister Hoberches Sister Hoberches (Brazilians can't pronounce Roberts)" "Roupa Roupa!! (clothes)" SO I quick put some clothes on and Haha my half awake self thinks that we need to escape because we are in some kind of danger but really our door bell had been going off and apparently some drunk guy was trying to sell us drugs.
sorta a crazy experience number 3: We walk through
an open field to get to most of our investigators house and to our
church and as we are walking home one night we see all of these tents in
the field blasting music and I don't know why my first thought was the
circus..(really a circus mallory?) but I was all excited because I love
the circus. Haha Oh my gosh I feel like an idiot.. Gypsies had moved in!
And they were having a huge FIESTA! They wanted us to join haha but
obviously we couldn't.
Crazy experience number 4: I'm sitting there in the middle of the street explaining the Book of Mormon to one of our investigators and all of the sudden out of know where a herd of cows comes running in the middle of the street. I was like what the heck is this. luckily my companion was holding my camera and got the perfect picture of me with my reaction to all of the cows.
The herd of cows running in the street
Crazy experience number 5: We were taking some of our investigators through the church and when we had finished our lesson I started locking all the doors and everything when I saw a pair of little eyes staring at me. Some how a dog wandered into our church. We literally spent a good 12 or so min trying to chase it out when finally we were able to catch it.
Crazy experience number 6: We flooded the baptismal font. Haha Oh my gosh. We had a baptism on Saturday and so we went and started filling up the font and we kinda forgot about it as we were teaching a different investigator and as soon as we were finished with him I looked at my companion and I was like "Sister Pia PIA!" so we ran to the other side of the Church and sure enough water was everywhere it was all over! We had about 20min to clean everything up and bucket out water from the font. Crazy.
Bucketing out water before the baptism
This week has been crazy! Obviously. But in the end we had a baptism. André was baptised and he is such a solid guy. I am so excited for him. He is going to do great things. He has so much potential and I know that he is going to bless so many lives because he has the gospel of Jesus Christ. There really is know greater feeling than helping people come unto Christ.
André Baptism
Love you all!
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